Successful candidates must be:
Filipino Citizens residing within or outside The Philippines.
Must be 16 years old / Younger than 18 at the start of the two-year programme.
Please take the time to read carefully through the UWC Philippines FAQ. It covers important details on selections, nominations, and finances.
Our social media sites have updated FAQs when available.
Check this site again if an updated FAQ file is not available when you visit.
Give through UWC International
You can donate to UWC Philippines via UWC International and the funds and the details of your donations will be transferred to the National Committee.
Please indicate that you would like to make your donation to
"UWC Philippines" by selecting "Philippines" using the drop-down menu.
For Applicants: Write your FULL NAME in the message box.
Give in the US
Give through PayPal
You can donate to UWC Philippines via UWC International's PayPal and the funds and the details of your donations will be transferred to the National Committee.