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Select, Support and Empower

Successful candidates must be:

Filipino Citizens residing within or outside The Philippines.

Must be 16 years old / Younger than 18 at the start of the two-year programme.

Successful candidates will usually be aged 16 to 18 in Year 11 or 12 (or equivalent) and demonstrate the following qualities:

  • Academic strengths which indicate a strong likelihood of success in the IB programme;
  • Willingness to befriend and learn from people whose ideas, beliefs and cultural backgrounds may be very different to their own;
  • The ability to gain the most from the opportunity and to contribute to college life (relevant qualities include commitment to service, openness of mind, enthusiasm, balance, good humour, the ability to thrive in a foreign environment, emotional strength, and physical fitness);
  • An active contributor to the life of their school or wider community;
  • Involvement in cultural, artistic or sporting activities.

Other things being equal, preference will be given to a student who would not otherwise have access to such an experience or who would gain the most from the opportunity.

It is important that candidates should be thoroughly articulate so that they may be able to advance their own views and those of their country, of which they will be seen as representatives. Every student sent to a UWC must be of the quality one would like to see representing his or her own country alongside very carefully selected students from other countries. Experience has shown that successful students are those who come with a clear awareness of the aims of the UWCs and a personal commitment to contribute to them.

Parents (or guardians) are responsible for signing the application form, but the decision to apply must lie above all with the candidates themselves.

About UWC

UWC is a unique organization. It is the only global educational NGO that brings students together from all over the world, selected from within their own countries, on merit and regardless of their ability to pay. These students come together at one of fifteen UWC schools and colleges that aim to foster international understanding and peace.

UWC believes that to achieve peace and a sustainable future, the values it promotes are crucial;

  • International and intercultural understanding
  • Celebration of difference
  • Personal responsibility and integrity
  • Mutual responsibility and respect
  • Compassion and service
  • Respect for the environment
  • A sense of idealism
  • Personal challenge
  • Action and personal example

Each College offers selected students a two-year course of study before entry into University.

In addition to academics, the programme of activities emphasizes concern for others through outdoor adventure, and social and community service activities. Students attending UWC sit examinations for International Baccalaureate at the end of the two years.

The IB Diploma is recognized for university entrance worldwide.