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The UWC Philippines National Committee encourages academic institutions, companies, NGOs, and government agencies to help more Filipino scholars go through the life-changing and highly educational UWC experience. Opportunities to send more Filipino students to the United World Colleges can be made possible through donations from the Philippines or abroad.

In order for our NC to keep track of our donations coming across multiple financial channels, we kindly ask you to fill out this short form after donating.

You may donate via these channels:

Give through the UWC International Office 

You can donate to UWC Philippines via UWC International and the funds and the details of your donations will be transferred to the National Committee. Please indicate that you would like to make your donation to "UWC Philippines" by selecting "Philippines" using the drop-down menu. 

Give in the U.S. 

If you live in the U.S, you can make a tax deductible donation to NC Philippines via UWC International's Myriad-USA account. Please indicate that you want your donation allocated to us by checking "Add a note for The United World Colleges (International)" and write in NC Philippines in the 'private note' box. Bank transfer is preferred.

Give through PayPal

You can donate to UWC Philippines via UWC International's PayPal and the funds and the details of your donations will be transferred to the National Committee.

Via UWC Philippines NC

Stay tuned for more ways to support our NC!